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Gain Control Over Your Living Spaces with a Zone Control System

Cool & heate the rooms you use!

Call 843-305-5728 to get a free quote!

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Does your home have:

  • Do you have more than one level or story or a rambling floor plan that extends far beyond your main living space?
  • A concrete slab as your foundation?
  • Large glass windows or large open areas?
  • Are the finished rooms in the attic or basement, or are the rooms over the garage?

If you answered yes to any home conditions, call us at 843-305-5728. One of our experienced technicians can discuss your options for a zone control system.

Say Goodbye to Hot or Cold Rooms

At Coastal Air Plus, creating lasting relationships is what we're all about. Rest easy knowing that our reliable heating, cooling, and plumbing professionals will make your home safe and comfortable for every season.

Call 843-305-5728 for a free consultation and quote.

a man in a white shirt with an american flag on his sleeve is working on a electrical outlet

Consistent comfort in every room

Warm or Cool the Rooms You Use

Imagine being able to fine-tune the temperature of each room in your home to your liking with just the touch of a button. That's the power of a zone control system, a clever companion to your single-zone HVAC setup. With this system, you can ensure that the spaces you're using the most get the heating or cooling they need, exactly when needed, all while working perfectly with your thermostat(s).

The setup is straightforward; you only need thermostats, a central control panel, and zone dampers within your ductwork. While a zone control system doesn't directly alter the efficiency of your HVAC, it does make sure you're getting the most out of it by reducing waste and focusing on comfort where it counts. It's bright, simple, and all about improving your home's climate control.

Call 843-305-5728 for a free consultation and quote.

a man in a white shirt with an american flag on his sleeve is working on a electrical outlet

How Does a Zone Control System Work?

A zone control system uses thermostats to connect to a central control panel to open and shut dampers distributed throughout your ductwork, thus blocking or releasing hot or cold air.

You set the temperature for each zone via each thermostat, and the zone control system does the rest of the work for you. There are many factors affecting the indoor temperature in your home, such as appliances, higher or cathedral ceilings, shading, wind chill, and cooking. Zoning solves these problems by allowing each zone’s thermostat to individually adjust to the desired heating or cooling level.

How Does a Zone Control System Work?
Smart Thermostat Systems

Zone Control System Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is a Zone?

    A zone can be anything you design it to be: an entire floor of your house, a group of rooms, or just one room.

  • How Do I Know If I Need a Zone Control System?

    Determining if you need a zone control system isn’t too tricky. We at Coastal Air Plus are happy to help you make that assessment. But to get started, if you can answer yes to one or more of the following conditions in your home, your home will likely be a candidate. Does your home have:

    • More than one level or story?
    • A rambling floor plan that extends far beyond your main living space?
    • A concrete slab as your foundation?
    • Large glass windows?
    • Finished rooms in the attic or basement, or rooms over the garage?
    • Large open areas?
    • Answering yes to any of the above home conditions indicates that you should call us at 843.238.3838 so one of our experienced technicians can discuss your options for a zone control system.

    An excellent characteristic of zone control is you can begin your home with only one zone and then retrofit the application. Of course, you can always start a new home with a zone control system.

  • Zone Control System Benefits

    The two most significant benefits of installing a zone control system are energy efficiency and money savings. Pairing a zone control system with a programmable or smart thermostat will give you more control over your home’s heating and cooling than you ever thought possible.

    No longer will you be overheating or overcooling areas in your home to accommodate the other too-warm or too-cool areas or because certain rooms aren’t used by anyone at different times of the day. High energy efficiency is a guaranteed way to save money.

    Perhaps the most gratifying benefit of the system is the increased comfort you’ll feel in your home. Gone will be the days of hot or cold spots. Your home will be as you’ve always dreamed it should be––home sweet home.

The Benefits of Zone Control Systems
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