For efficient removal of household dust and allergens, a Trane Envirowise QuikBox air filter is a sensible and affordable solution for all homes. Our perfect-fit design filters, available in 9 sizes, match our equipment for neat and easy installation.

The Right Choice

A Trane Envirowise Quikbox air filter is an integral part of a whole home comfort system that protects your equipment as well as your family by filtering dust and allergens from the air you breathe. The Quikbox filter can last up to 6 months and is easily replaceable by you or your installer.

QuikBox™ Filter

For efficient removal of household dust and allergens a Trane Envirowise QuikBox air filter from Coastal Air Plus is a sensible and affordable solution for all homes.
Trane QuikBox™ Filter - Coastal Air Plus

Call 843-305-5728 for a free estimate. Our expert designers will help determine if the QuikBox™ Filter is right for your home, budget, and lifestyle.

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